【テーマ】Science, Technology & Social Science Research: Together for
a Better World
【主催】Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
2022年2月10日(木) 参加登録、アブストラクト提出期限
2022年2月20日(日) 発表者の通知
2022年3月 8日(火) プレゼンテーション資料提出期限
- Science, technology and public policy in larger social, historical and ethical contexts
- Science, technology and society for SDGs
- Socio-technological transformation and Future Earth: theories and applications
- Socio-technological transitions and the key economic sectors
- Social construct of scientific and technological developments
- Role of science and technology and social science in the emerging research fields such as biomedical science, information science, and the natural sciences
- Frameworks, approaches, methods for science, technology and social science studies
- Social Science Paradigm with emerging Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Block-Chains
日本学術会議事務局 アジア学術会議事務局
Email: sca_secretariat@cao.go.jp
主催機関 Indian Council of Social Science Research
Email: sca21icssr@gmail.com